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Find your Windows product key with ShowKeyPlus.
Applies to Windows 7, 8 and 10
(Please Note: XP is no longer supported subsequent to this version)
Your product key depends on the type of Windows version you bought:
If you bought Windows from an authorized retailer, the product key will only show as the Installed key. This applies to OEM System Builder keys as well.
If you upgraded Windows, the Original key will be the key installed prior to the upgrade. NB if you upgrade to Windows 10 for free, you"ll receive a unique ‘digital entitlement’ instead of a product key. The key displayed will be a generic key in that case.
If you bought a new PC running Windows, the product key will be pre–installed on your PC and the key will be included in the firmware in the case of Windows 8 or 10 - or as an OEM marker, in the case of previous versions. The OEM key will display the key in the case of the former, or whether your PC was built for Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Apart from the key, the associated Edition of each key is displayed below it.

Should you have a backup which includes a Windows folder, the key from that installation (as well as the previously installed key, if that installation was an upgrade), can be retrieved using the Retrieve key from backup link.

In order to verify the edition your key is associated with, use the Check product key link to confirm the edition to which that key is associated.

Hint: Click/tap ‘Version’ link to toggle between light and dark modes.

Update to Version 1.0.5730.
Automated discovery of pre-existing Windows installations (from Windows and Windows.old folders) that are in their default locations (root drives). It supports Windows XP through Windows 10 key retrieval. The forward-arrow located upper right navigates to each of those.
NB: Should the Windows installation not be in the default location, "Retrieve key from backup" should still be used.

Last used theme (Dark mode can be set by clicking "version") gets saved for use the next time the application is launched.

Some GUI enhancements for DPI scaling.

Includes a version check to alert of new releases.

Update to Version: 1.0.5812

Bug-fix: Forward-navigation arrow displaying incorrectly.
Bug-fix: Check version dialog was not returning to calling thread.

Update to Version: 1.0.5814.

Bug-fix: Windows 8 reporting duplicate installations.

Update to Version 1.0.5815.

New in this release:
Bug fix: In WinPESE, automated discovery would crash if no existing Windows installations (from Windows and Windows.old folders) found. Option included to re-direct to "Retrieve key from backup" instead for a user initiated search.
OEM description was not displaying for the associated key.

Bug fix: Some motherboards (eg. Gigabyte) have a pre-installed MSDM table in the firmware without an OEM key embedded. Exception caught if key not present.

Additional DPI scaling compatibilty.

Find your Windows product key with ShowKeyPlus.
Applies to Windows 7, 8 and 10
(Please Note: XP is no longer supported subsequent to this version)
Your product key depends on the type of Windows version you bought:
If you bought Windows from an authorized retailer, the product key will only show as the Installed key. This applies to OEM System Builder keys as well.
If you upgraded Windows, the Original key will be the key installed prior to the upgrade. NB if you upgrade to Windows 10 for free, you"ll receive a unique ‘digital entitlement’ instead of a product key. The key displayed will be a generic key in that case.
If you bought a new PC running Windows, the product key will be pre–installed on your PC and the key will be included in the firmware in the case of Windows 8 or 10 - or as an OEM marker, in the case of previous versions. The OEM key will display the key in the case of the former, or whether your PC was built for Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Apart from the key, the associated Edition of each key is displayed below it.

Should you have a backup which includes a Windows folder, the key from that installation (as well as the previously installed key, if that installation was an upgrade), can be retrieved using the Retrieve key from backup link.

In order to verify the edition your key is associated with, use the Check product key link to confirm the edition to which that key is associated.

Hint: Click/tap ‘Version’ link to toggle between light and dark modes.

Update to Version 1.0.5730.
Automated discovery of pre-existing Windows installations (from Windows and Windows.old folders) that are in their default locations (root drives). It supports Windows XP through Windows 10 key retrieval. The forward-arrow located upper right navigates to each of those.
NB: Should the Windows installation not be in the default location, "Retrieve key from backup" should still be used.

Last used theme (Dark mode can be set by clicking "version") gets saved for use the next time the application is launched.

Some GUI enhancements for DPI scaling.

Includes a version check to alert of new releases.

Update to Version: 1.0.5812

Bug-fix: Forward-navigation arrow displaying incorrectly.
Bug-fix: Check version dialog was not returning to calling thread.

Update to Version: 1.0.5814.

Bug-fix: Windows 8 reporting duplicate installations.

Update to Version 1.0.5815.

New in this release:
Bug fix: In WinPESE, automated discovery would crash if no existing Windows installations (from Windows and Windows.old folders) found. Option included to re-direct to "Retrieve key from backup" instead for a user initiated search.
OEM description was not displaying for the associated key.

Bug fix: Some motherboards (eg. Gigabyte) have a pre-installed MSDM table in the firmware without an OEM key embedded. Exception caught if key not present.

Additional DPI scaling compatibilty.

Утилита ShowKeyPlus пригодится каждому. С помощью неё можно узнать ключ продукта операционной системы, установленной на своем ПК. Зная этот ключ, пользователь в полной мере владеет системой в случае её восстановления, обновления либо смены на другую версию.

Вышеуказанную информацию можно получить и другими методами (через командную строку или панель управления) без использования сторонних продуктов, но ShowKeyPlus делает это намного быстрее, понятнее и проще.

Портативное исполнение

Данная утилита не устанавливается на жесткий диск, а запускается моментально с любой «флешки», диска или другого носителя. Она практически не занимает места, ведь размер ее составляет менее 2 Мб.

Интерфейс одного окна

Взаимодействие с программой ShowKeyPlus происходит посредством всего одного главного окна. В нём указывается информация о названии продукта, его идентификационный код (ID), ключ активации, ключ и версия предыдущей ОС (в случае её обновления на новую версию). Пункт "Retrieve key from backup" покажет ключи-активаторы, хранящиеся в резервных копиях операционной системы.

Утилита может работать в скрытом режиме, пряча выводимую информацию от посторонних людей. Отсутствие перевода текста на русский язык практически не препятствует работе с ней.


  • портативное ПО;
  • не занимает много места на носителе;
  • быстро предоставляет информацию об ОС (идентификатор и ключи);
  • предоставляет информацию о нескольких операционках, установленных в разных разделах жесткого диска;
  • показывает данные о предыдущей версии Windows (если таковая была);
  • максимально возможная простота;
  • можно узнать ключ-активатор резервных копий;


  • нет русскоязычного интерфейса.
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