Скачать айтюнс для айфона 6 64 бит. Возвращаем Программы App Store в iTunes. Развертывание приложений в бизнес-среде с помощью iTunes

Do you miss having the App Store in iTunes? You’re in luck, because Apple has released iTunes 12.6.3, an alternative version of iTunes that retains the ability to download and install iOS apps directly within the iTunes application on a computer. App management via iTunes was a popular feature that was in favor of .

Apple apparently released iTunes 12.6.3 as an alternative version because “certain business partners might still need to use iTunes to install apps.” But even if you are not a “business partner” you can still download and install iTunes 12.6.3 and use the version of iTunes to manage apps with an iPhone or iPad connected through a Mac or Windows PC.

iTunes 12.6.3 is available to download for Mac and Windows users, and can be easily installed over iTunes 12.7 to regain the native iOS App Store functionality for improved iPhone and iPad app management. Users who would like to have the iOS App Store functionality in iTunes on their computers again should download and install the alternative iTunes release. The ease of installation prevents the need to or .

Download iTunes 12.6.3 with iOS App Store Support

You can download iTunes 12.6.3 from the Apple support page, or using the direct download links below which point to the files directly on Apple servers:

  • Download iTunes 12.6.3 for Mac or Windows
  • DIRECT DOWNLOAD: Get iTunes 12.6.3 DMG for Mac
  • DIRECT DOWNLOAD: iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows, 32-bit
  • DIRECT DOWNLOAD: iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows PC, 64-bit

Choosing a direct download link will start the file download for iTunes 12.6.3 immediately. The download is about 280 MB and can be installed like any other software onto a Mac or PC.

How to get the App Store back into iTunes

Accessing the App Store, apps, or Tones in iTunes 12.6.3 is basically the same as prior versions of iTunes, here’s all that is necessary to get app management and the iOS App Store back in iTunes again:

If you connect an iPhone or iPad to iTunes 12.6.3 and select the device by clicking on the tiny little icon in the titlebar of the app, you’ll also have direct access to apps and tones on the device through iTunes again as well.

Note: if you are having a problem with the “iTunes Library.itl” file after installing iTunes 12.6.3, quit out of iTunes and navigate to ~/Music/iTunes/ and backup the iTunes Library.itl file by renaming it, then open Previous iTunes Libraries/ and copy the most recent version of that iTunes file into the ~/Music/iTunes/ directory. You can read full instructions on .

Downloading and installing iTunes 12.6.3 also stops iTunes from asking the user to download any new versions, so if you want to stay on iTunes 12.6.3 with the App Store, ringtones, and other features that are since removed from future versions, you can easily do so.

iTunes 12.6.3 supports all existing iPhone and iPad devices, and the release also supports the iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus, meaning users of the newest model iPhone hardware will have full iTunes support without needing to bother with iTunes 12.7.

If you have been having difficulty adapting to the removal of the App Store in iTunes 12.7, you’ll likely appreciate installing iTunes 12.6.3 and getting app management back again, so check it out.


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    So basically this is a way of Apple saying “oops we made a mistake” but rather than releasing iTunes 12.7.1 with the App Store for all users, they quietly put out a side release for those savvy enough to find it.

    Why is Apple so hostile to users nowadays? It is so maddening as a customer and user. I have been using Apple since the Apple II, and I can’t recall a time where the company has ever been so hostile to its users than the modern era where removing features and popular capabilities in software and hardware is now the norm, for no user benefit. I just don’t get it. Apple feels like they have the ego today of Microsoft in the 90s, convinced of their superiority and equally convinced that nobody would ever abandon their platform because they are locked in. Well, how’d that work out for Microsoft? Apple is not immune to the same type of slow user revolt.

    It’s really simple, just stop aggravating your customers. People want features, not the removal of features. People want the App Store in iTunes, headphone jacks on their iPhones, the Home button on their iPhones, an escape key and function keys on their MacBook, ports without hundreds of dongles, magsafe, the list goes on and on….

    • Annoyed Aaron – you have said exactly what has been in my mind for some time now.

      Like you, my first association with Apple was with an Apple II+ – how chuffed I was when I moved to a IIe and got an upgrade card that allowed me to have 264kb of memory!

      I’ve had an example of virtually every new series of Apples and then Macs ever since. Even when the clone debacle saw Apple’s shares drop to $28 and almost everyone forecast their demise, I continued to support them. I’ve been one of their loyal and most supportive and useful de-facto sales people for 40+ years – as I know have many others.

      I might sound stupid to some people out there but it actually hurts me to see how Apple operates today. It’s as though I’ve lost an old friend’s trust and care. I may be wrong but I think there are others out there who probably feel some of what I do.

      I’m just bewildered as to why Apple would disregard what has probably been one of the most loyal customer bases in the world, ever.

      Oh for Steve to rise from the dead and put things to rights.

      • Well, there you go. Another one. Cry me a river, will you, for the leadership team at Apple will feel bad for you.

        You “supported” Apple for 40+ years. Well, Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc .). So you “supported” them since day 1? That would put you (at least) in your 60s.

        See the date above when Apple was founded? April 1st. Do you think that’s a coincidence…?

        Maybe SJ was cleaver to pick that day for a reason…

        Ted? learn to do math!

        To answer the question two why they are taking away features, it’s money. The answer is money and control over their platform. Insisting everything gets pushed to the cloud is just one thing, but I could go on.

        Apple’s good design and “closed” system affords Apple to “just work”, nicely, cleanly integrated. And it’s true …although extremely limiting. There well thought-out design make it wonderfully simple for users -allbeit extremely limited functionality or should I say capability?

        I’ve noticed people use Apple for two reasons. Either they’re not very bright, or don’t have the time (or don’t want to spend the time) to keep up on their electronic world. Either way, most Apple users are not savvy technologists. So it makes them easy targets. Apple‘s business model is rocksolid to sucking every possible dollar out of the consumer …especially the ones not a know. Limiting features and controlling the consumer herds their cash cows down the pipeline Apple designs to get the most revenue. If you think they care about the consumers inconvenience. The only thing I will agree with Tom on is that lost revenue will equal the company driving to put value back in their products, unfortunately.

        I was disgusted when my friends brought me her iPad Pro showing me screenshots of the consistent pop-ups telling her she ran out of memory and her stuff is out danger of being lost. I was disgusted when my friends brought me her iPad Pro showing me screenshots of the consistent pop-ups telling her that she had ran out of memory and her stuff is out danger of being lost!! The only way to fix it was to give Apple her credit card to get more “space” and ensure the safety of her files. Disgusting business practice. She frantically said, “I don’t understand, it’s brand new and I have 128 gigs”. What Apple was referring to is the back up space to Apple cloud. Should my friend break her tablet, she wasn’t covered to recover all her stuff, assuming she didn’t back it up herself! I would be alarmed there was a risk of losing all my files also if I had read the same message and wasn’t computer savvy. Just disgusting by Apple. And their platform is completely designed around residual revenue beyond the hardware purchase. And shoot, I am a senior developer but spent a lot of time figuring out how to make iOS back up my tablet without using their cloud or piece of junk limited iTunes.

        What are my credentials? I’ve been designing computer chips and some platforms for 20 years. And yes Ted, I was also there from the beginning. I was hiding in the corner of Steve Jobs’s garage.

        • I agree with you that iCloud Storage is way too small. Offering 5GB as the free iCloud space in this era is ridiculous and clearly a grab to force people into paying an iCloud subscription fee. This is not a user friendly move.

          iCloud storage should be free for the size of the device you buy, and for each device you own, and if you want space beyond that you can pay for it.

          Remember that Google and Android offers free unlimited cloud storage and backups on their ecosystem. Apple could do it, but they don’t want to, they want to force you to pay for the monthly iCloud service fees just to be able to backup a device or send some emails. Even iCloud Email is attached to iCloud, and after you fill up your tiny 5GB storage space then iCloud stops letting you send or receive emails… very user hostile.

          Today Apple is too obsessed with revenue numbers and wall street pleasing, and fashion, not nearly enough with actual user experience today which is an afterthought – that’s the big change post Jobs and in the Cook / Ive / Angela era.

    • Just installed and when I started it and this what comes up

      [ The file “iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download iTunes now? ]. It won’t let me start unless i download the new version gain.

      This really fricken sucks on Apples part. Get it done right.

      It’s great that you have been using Apple since the Apple II era. The bad news is that Apple doesn’t care. As a matter of fact, nobody cares.

      You want Apple to implement features and create products for the customer? Easy. Stop supporting Apple by not purchasing their products and services. When people stop supporting them, they revenue drops and will realize this happened because they have abandoned their customers.

      As long as you hee-haw about how many Macs you have, and that you always “supported” Apple, well, LOL, they just laughing all the way to the bank, while you can have that missing piece from their logo…

      I totally agree with you !! Its a pity that some people in this company are making decisions which will ultimately end in losing customers . Despite liking and using the product ,at a point customers will get sick and tired with this hide and seek game.

      What a major screw up on Apple’s part. It was so much easier when surfing the web on my Macbook and coming across an app I’d like to have just downloading it then. The same goes for organizing them on my macbook. It seems with every update Apple makes things harder or unavailable. Get more like Microsoft used to be.

      itunes 12.6.3 not support iphone xs max
      Hello good time

      I have iphone xs max But itunes 12.6.3 Do not support it For windows 7

      I want to have an app store
      Thank you for helping me

    So I downloaded and installed this 12.6.3 version and now iTunes will not open for me. I’m getting this message instead.

    The file “iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download iTunes now?

  1. I have download 12.6.3 with no problems, restored previous iTunes library.itl (from 12.6.2). Itunes will not recognised Iphone 6S when connected. Any ideas?

    Yikes! Don’t do this unless you know what you’re doing! I certainly don’t. I installed as directed, launched iTunes and got this “…The File ‘iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes. Would you like to download iTunes now?” Clicking “Download iTunes” app store, with no obvious link to iTunes. What, and where, is the “.itl file”?

    • The “iTunes Library.itl” file is usually in ~/Music/iTunes. This sort of issue is true any time one reverts iTunes.app. You can either delete the .itl file and create a new one with 12.6.3, go back to using 12.7 and your current .itl file, or grab a library file from a backup made when 12.6.2 was current.

      • Thank you for the instruction, avenged110, it’s helpful and I appreciate the assist. I went back to 12.7; it works okay, albeit with the inconvenient absence of the App Store.

    • Also, ftr, the “iTunes Library.itl” file stores library information like playlists and their contents, star ratings, play counts, etc. These are things you would lose when starting with a new library, though all of your files would remain.

  2. I cannot believe I did this and had the same issue as everyone else. I have thousands of ratings that I use to make playlists, and now they are all gone since I had to get rid of the itl file. I do not recommend that anyone use the file offered here unless you know what you are doing. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the old itl file translated into something that this version of iTunes can read?

    Okay, so I decided I would rather have my playlists and other things so I downloaded the version of iTunes that I had and put the itl file back. Everything is now back to how it was originally.

    So they effectively admit they screwed up, so they re-release 12.6.3 but if we use that we don’t get future updates because we want the App store and Apple thinks we don’t need it? I’m an Apple fan from way way back (before public internet) and this really disappoints me… doesn’t happen often but yeah… this one goes on my list. NOT HAPPY TIM! (that’s an Australian inside joke.)

    • It is. If you update to High Sierra after installing this 12.6.3 you will need to choose “skip” when prompted to update your itunes library.

  3. So, install this, then use time machine to restore a version of the Itunes Library.itl from before September 13th, and itunes will work properly again. thanks!

    • Oh, and I should add – use the Leave Itunes Feedback menu option inside Itunes to let apple know that you’ve made the switch back (and why)!

    Did not work for me. It downloaded and installed but will not let me open itunes. It says the library was created on a never version and I have to download and install the newer version. ??????????

    This is only a temporary fix to placate enterprise customers, and not give them a reason to hold off on updating their fleets to iPhone 8s and Xs.

    Apple will either fix their MDM tools, or convince those businesses to move away from using iTunes for app deployment.

    There is no indication that this move was prompted by the end user discord seen here, and elsewhere surrounding the issue, nor any newly-rediscovered concern or respect for end users.

    Don’t kid yourselves — a big customer complained, and Apple gave them a pass to smooth things over.

    It’s better than nothing, but in a year or so, the new hardware will only be compatible with a future version of iTunes that still lacks the App Store and management functions.


    RE: The file “iTunes Library.itl” cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes: contrary to some of the advice given earlier in the thread –

    I’d already replaced 12.7 with (as per the instructions in the osXdaily article above) and received the same error message.

    It is slapdash of osXdaily not to test these things before publishing their articles !!!

    On my MacBook, there is a folder within ~Music/iTunes called Previous iTunes Libraries (I didn’t create it therefore it must be automatically set up by iTunes) so I assume other people have this. In it there were 5 iTunes Library files going back to 2015. Crucially, there was one from the 13th of September 2017.

    I first preserved a copy of the CURRENT (i.e. newly created 12.7) iTunes Library.itl by copying it to another folder I named “iTunes Library saved from iTunes 12.7” in case I needed to revert.

    I then replaced the CURRENT version with the one I found from the 13th of September, reloaded iTunes and it worked.

    All my ratings were there and I could go into the Phone part (using the little Phone icon next to the ‘music’ button – second line from the top) and still move the icons around on my iPhone using the Apps icon.

    So, I didn’t need to scrabble around in Time Machine to find an older libarary.

    Presumably this would also work for the person(s) who have already deleted their .itl Libarary?

    I fully agree with the sentiments expressed at the head of this thread – sheer arrogance and lack of consideration on the part of Apple in withdrawing valued facilities. You get used to one interface and they go and change it for no apparent reason (other perhaps than to make even more money).

    How long will it be before Apple try to withdraw this reversion and try to foist 12.7 on me again?

    • Not everyone has a problem with the iTunes itl file, but if you do you can replace it with the older iTunes Library itl file like you mention.

      I am surprised that Apple doesn’t just update the file automatically upon launching.

      Instructions are detailed here, but installing iTunes 12.6.3 is not the same as downgrading.

    The switch was ok, after removing the iTunes library.itl. Still does not restore full functionality, like update downloads and list of apps. Apple is becoming a dictator like the others and removing the Apple advantage “all devices work seamlessly together…” I hope the next upgrade to iTunes is returned to its original functionality.

    Suggestion: there should be a directory “…user/music/itunes/Previous iTunes Libraries”, where I found some libraries from older versions, I took one, removed the date at the end of the filename and moved it one folder “up” where it replaced the new, incompatible version and now everything works fine. (OSX 10.11.6)
    Hope that helps.

    i downloaded 12.6.3 and when i try to install it the system cuts off stating a later version of i-tunes is already installed on this computer.
    i hazard the guess that if they really wanted to, the program geniuses at apple could issue a patch which reinstates all of us “old” guys without IT help

    Basically, this is dumb advice to a dumb idea…

    OSXDaily – go back and update this article with caveats about what will happen if you install the version you have stated…

    • Why is this dumb? What is your criticism? What are the caveats that are not already stated in the article?

      Apple is offering an alternative version of iTunes available to download, it has the App Store. Thus if you want the App Store in iTunes, installing iTunes 12.6.3 is the only option aside from downgrading.

      • I would not say it is ‘dumb,’ but it IS true that there is a down-side to installing the 12.6.3 app version. In particular, Apple’s support page states that once you install that version, you will no longer receive any iTunes update notifications. From that alone, it is clear that this is considered a mere stop-gap, temporary measure, which they state was intended to be used only “until you are ready to upgrade” to 12.7. I may backtrack to 12.6.3 from 12.7 because I can’t live without the app/audiobook management. But I’ll use that time to find an alternative to iTunes for management of those elements that were deleted from iTunes.

        I am looking at AnyTrans or iMazing, but would welcome information about other potential alternatives to iTunes for management of content on multiple devices. Suggestions???

    I always thought tying the app store in to iTunes a bad idea in the first place. Probably a marketing ploy to get users to puchase apps.

    I have no problems with removing the functionality from iTunes – but – there should be a stand alone program to take the place of managing and syncing iOS apps.

    It’s unlikely Apple intends to release a standalone app managaer, otherwise they would have left the functionality in iTunes until one was ready.

    After an experience with Apple blowing away my purchase history of apps (both iOS and Mac) because I changed my credit card details from a US to Canadian one, I’ve sworn to not bother using their app store(s) for any future purchases.

    I always keep backups of most versions of iOS apps, and because they are tied to my AppleID, I can still install them with the old version of iTunes.

    Anyway the whole system is a mess and it’s obvious that Apple don’t want users managing their own app deployment.

    Apple wants the cloud to be the hub of their products, not the users own laptop or desktop machines. So over time, they’re forcing users into this model.

    Personally, I think it a hair brained idea and the day Apple locks users out of full “root” access of their laptops/desktops (not hard for them to do with a firmware update) in the name of “security” is the day I will stop using Macs.

    So nowadays I wait for months before applying any updates. Too bad because that puts me at the mercy of missing out on legitimate security patches.

    Apple is forcing me to use broken software chains because I simply don’t trust them to do the right thing anymore.

    An yes, I’m a dinosaur, I’ve been using Macs since ’84.

    • Apple DOES offer a multi-device configuration tool, but only to those who have a Mac — Apple Configurator. Apple Configurator is a free Mac OS X tool for configuring and deploying iOS devices in the enterprise environment.

      They have tossed those of us working from within Windows to the wolves.

    I downloaded iTunes version 12.6.3 for the first time using the link on the Apple Support page.

    However, when I clicked on “Updates” it says there are no updates available for the apps but when I plug my iPhone in it says there are updates for some of the apps when you click on the “Apps” listing on the left side when the device is plugged in.

    Why does it say there are no updates available in the Updates screen across the top??

    Please, can someone help me with this. I am a new user using this on a PC.

    Dear Apple Fanboys and Loyal Customers,

    It’s still not too late to buy a transistor radio! It will last longer, it won’t have constant upgrade issues, and when it dies on you, you can just replace the batteries. The best part? It will cost you a fraction of what you have wasted so far on Apple products.

    I am so upset I have six different Apple products and over 300 apps

    Who in the world has the time or the energy to pick up each product separately and start creating and re-creating app placement on each different device and in folders oh my goodness this is crazy

    It’s like walking into an office that was just through a storm. We need an app management system I always liked doing it through iTunes because you could arrange each page so simple

    • If you’re lucky enough to have a mini Mac or whatever Apple provides by way of a laptop equivalent, you can try the Apple Configurator, which is a free Mac OS X tool for configuring and deploying iOS devices in the enterprise environment (i.e., for managing multiple devices).

      There’s nothing for those of us working from within a Windows environment, however. :(

    This works brilliantly, how sad that Apple can’t admit they screwed up removing this feature and just release this publicly as 12.7.1 update.

    had an issue with one computers itunes and the .itl file, but that computer had already been updated to itunes 12.7. If you do this unofficial fix update from the previous version, it appears there’s no issue with losing playlists or the .itl file being incomaptible, it’s only when, shall we call it “sidegrading” to 12.6.3 from 12.7 that this becomes an issue. By reverting to the previous iTunes library, all was corrected and playlists restored.

    THANK YOU OSXDaily for informing users of this otherwise mystery version.

    BTW, the App Store sees this version as an update from 12.7, and I suspect in the next official update, Apple restores this feature.

    • Ooooh, how I could wish and hope you were correct about that. However, on their support page, Apple states that once you install 12.6.3, you will no longer receive iTunes update notifications. And that this is intended to be used “until you are ready to upgrade” to 12.7.

      In other words, it is considered a temporary, stop-gap measure to appease enterprise-level business users who screamed bloody murder (rightfully) upon losing their ability to manage / configure a great many devices at once. But even they are probably expected to migrate to purchasing a Mac and using Apple Configurator to do that management, going forward.

      The rest of us are screwed.

    It worked – and wasn’t hard to fix the .itl file error that I got, all I had to do was replace the file with a previous version of the file, and that previous version is in the same folder. Very easy!

    Maybe the paragraph starting ‘Note: if you are having a problem with the “iTunes Library.itl” file after installing iTunes 12.6.3…’ should be highlighted. I’m glad I spotted that. I’ve sent Apple feedback stating that my next phone will probably run Android after this.

    I decided today that I wanted to use an app that I bought (yes, paid for) 7 years ago and found that it was no longer in the App Store. It’s like it’s been erased from history. Luckily I had a copy in a backup of an old iTunes library as a .ipa file.

    Now what happens if we rely on our iPhones to manage apps? That’s right, they disappear, as we don’t have backups of them in our iTunes libraries. So anything you’ve paid for, if the author decides they no longer want to pay for iTunes deployment, when you get a new phone you lose it!

    If I didn’t need to triple-boot so that I could run Mac, Windows, and Linux programs for my freelance work, I would have switched to Linux a long time ago.

iTunes - медиаплеер от компании Apple, который проигрывает музыку и видео. Программа бсплатная и хорошо упорядочивает все файлы на компьютере.

В iTunes есть синхронизация, благодаря чему вся библиотека файлов доступна с любого устройства. Через программу можно заходить в онлайн-магазин iTunes Store, загружать оттуда любой контент, а затем использовать его там, где нет доступа к Wi-Fi.

iTunes Музыка

  • iTunes находит недостающую музыку из альбома, который вы слушаете, а также добавляет подробные сведения для всех треков: исполнитель, дата релиза, жанр.
  • Вы можете сохранить любимую музыку с ваших CD или MP3 дисков. Автоматический декодер запишет файл сразу в нужном формате, при этом добавит всю информацию.
  • Специальная служба Genius на основе ваших музыкальных предпочтений подберет ту музыку, которая обязательно вам понравится.
  • Создавайте разные плейлисты - так слушать музыку удобнее.

iTunes Видео

  • Через iTunes Store можно купить или даже взять напрокат любой фильм, сериал, видеоклип или ТВ-шоу. Загрузите видео и смотрите его в любом удобном месте даже при отсутствии интернета.
  • Служба iTunes Extras найдет все интересные материалы по любимому видео: не вошедшие в финальную версию сцены, интервью с актерами и так далее.
  • Удобный поиск найдет все самое необходимое.

iTunes Радио

Слушайте любую из тысячи радиостанций по всему миру. Для этого достаточно иметь постоянное подключение к интернету и подписку на iTunes.
Многие пользователи ищут альтернативы и зменители iTunes для компьютера и телефона, но таких программ очень мало и как правило они не выполняют тех функций, которые позволяет проводить айтюнс с его медиатекой и взаимодействовать с телефонами и другой техникой Apple. Такие программы можно назвать "подобием" iTunes, не более. Бузусловно, что идеально скачивать iTunes лучше с официального сайта или из проверенных источников, чтобы не нарваться на вирусы и трояны. Часто в сети видно, что iTunes показан на скриншотах только на английском языке, но не стоит волноваться - iTunes конечно же переведен на несколько десятков популярных языков, включая русский, так что скачать и установить iTunes на русском языке не составит никакого труда. На определенном шаге в процессе установки в обязательном порядке будет предложено выбрать язык. Особенностью установки может еще являться и то, что пользователи могут скачать iTunes с софтовых сайтов и им будет предложена версия для 32-bit битных систем, которая никак не может быть установлена на 64-bit систему и сам инсталятор iTunes предлагает скачать версию под 64-bit. Нет никакой разницы на какую операционную систему устанавливать iTunes. Это может быть и Windowx XP и Windows 7, 8, 10. Программа совместима со всеми версиями ОС.

В iTunes 12.7 Apple убрали вкладку App Store и управление программами. Стало невозможно сохранять приложения на компьютере и загружать их через айтюнс. Мы полностью потеряли возможность самостоятельно управлять тем, что установлено на наших устройствах. Но всё не так плохо – на нашей стороне крупнейшие компании из Fortune 500. Их давление заставило Apple оставить запасной ход. Что случилось, как поставить iTunes с аппстором и нужно ли это вообще

App Store в iTunes важная часть экосистемы

Пока в iTunes был App Store, посредником между айфоном и Apple мог выступать компьютер. На нём хранились всё что мы покупали через App Store. Даже при отсуствии интернета или при полном исчезновении Apple со всей её инфраструктурой, можно было устанавливать и удалять скачанные приложения. У нас была своя коллекция скачанных приложений.

Без посредника управление всеми приложениями будет только на стороне Apple. Это значит что при удалении приложения из App Store, вы больше не сможете его установить. Только через джейлбрейк (который скорее мёртв чем жив).

Я наглядно показал проблему в этом видео:

Почему Apple вернули App Store в iTunes 12.6.3

Устройствами Apple пользуются крупные компании из Fortune 500. Они устанавливают специальные приложения, которые не существуют в App Store, а также завязаны на старых приложениях. Им, как и нам, важен контроль над приложениями и данными. Вместе они надавили на Apple, чтобы те выпустили решение.

Apple сделали специальную версию iTunes для бизнеса. В ней сохранилась вкладка App Store и можно управлять Программами на устройстве. Она поддерживает все современные устройства, включая iPhone X. Но это не обновление. Это старая версия iTunes, которую можно установить и пользоваться. Этот айтюнс имеет версию 12.6.3. Я называю его iTunes бизнес.

Нужно ли устанавливать iTunes 12.6.3 (бизнес)

Устанавливать нужно, если вам важно что-то из этого:

  • Старые приложения,
  • Контроль над приложениями без интернета,
  • Хранение приложений на компьютере для экономии места на айфоне,
  • Специальные приложения, которые могут исчезнуть с апстора,
  • У вас больше десятка устройств и вы управляете ими через USB-хабы

Видео установки iTunes business

Подготовка к установке iTunes 12.6.3 business

Медиатеку надо будет восстановить. Думаю что сейчас вы используете версию выше чем 12.6. Это значит что ваша медиатека iTunes (файлы с информацией о том что есть у вас в iTunes) была обновлена. Если вы установите iTunes 12.6.3, то он не сможет прочитать вашу новую медиатеку и нужно будет её восстановить до состояния 13 сентября 2017. Всё что было добавлено/удалено позже – считайте утерянным.

iTunes больше не будет обновляться сам. Нужно будет устанавливать новые версии вручную. Но в этом нет большой проблемы. Вы сможете установить обновление только если у вас что-то не будет работать. На данный момент в обновлении itunes 12.7 только урезаны функции. АйТюнс 12.6 может всё и даже больше.

Устанавливаем iTunes 12.6.3 (бизнес)

Первое что нужно – скачать установщик:

Интересное начинается когда мы запускаем iTunes. Обычно показывается вот такое окошко:

Предупреждение о новом файле iTunes Library

Об этом я говорил выше. Ваша библиотека слишком новая и он не может её прочитать. Он предлагает установить новый iTunes чтобы прочитать её. Но ведь мы не для этого ставили iTunes бизнес? =)

Восстанавливаем библиотеку iTunes Library.itl

Закройте iTunes.

Зайдите в папку с iTunes Library.itl


Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\[ВашеИмяПользователя]\My Documents\My Music\iTunes

Windows Vista


Windows 7, 8 или 10

C:\Users\[ВашеИмяПользователя]\My Music\iTunes

Мы сделаем резервную копию. Переименуйте iTunes Library.itl в iTunes Library.itl.new . Можно переименовать как угодно, но мне нравится new – означает что это более новая медиатека. Можно просто добавить единиц или нулей в название. Как вам удобно.

Затем там же заходим в Previous iTunes Libraries . Среди них находим медиатеку старше 13 сентября 2017 года. В моём случае это была библиотека от 13 сентября: iTunes Library 2016-09-13.itl. Перенесите её в папку выше, чтобы она была вместе с iTunes Library.itl.new и переименуйте в iTunes Library.itl . Теперь iTunes при запуске попробует использовать этот файл и обнаружит в нём «родную» библиотеку от 13 сентября.

Так выглядит файл iTunes Library у меня

Поправляем меню

После запуска Программы не появятся. Нужно выбрать «Править меню…» и поставить галку около «Программы» .

Чтобы программы появились, нужно добавить их в меню

Выбираете, снова появившиеся, Программы в выпадающем меню слева. Здесь снова находится вкладка App Store.

iTunes 12.6.3 с вкладкой «Программы»

Возвращаем новый iTunes

Если что-то перестанет работать. Или вы решите что бизнес iTunes вам больше не нужен, можете запросто вернуть новую версию.

Скачивате iTunes с сайта Apple . Почту и адрес можете не указывать, если вам не нужна реклама от Apple.

При первом запуске произойдёт обновление библиотеки и всё станет так, как хочет Apple и правительство =)

Вот видео:

iTunes - последняя версия бесплатного мультимедиа проигрывателя от Apple для Windows и Mac OS. Проигрыватель iTunes поддерживает такие устройства как: iPod, iPad IPhone и Apple TV. На сайте представлена последняя версия iTunes для 32-бит и 64-битных операционных систем Windows.

Прежде всего, хотелось бы отметить удобство данного проигрывателя как некого каталогизатора и особо выделить его возможности в организации домашней библиотеки мультимедиа контента. С помощью медиа библиотеки iTunes можно с легкостью находить и воспроизводить любые файлы, а также создавать смарт и обычные плейлисты, настраиваемые по довольно большому количеству параметров. Причем режим отображения мультимедиа контента в проигрывателе можно переключать в пару кликов. Навигацию по проигрывателю можно осуществлять с помощью горячих клавиш, но сразу надо сказать, что, к сожалению, они не работают при русской раскладке клавиатуры, что можно, конечно, отнести к незначительным недостаткам проигрывателя, но которые просто не заметны на фоне всех очевидных его преимуществ.

Вы можете выбрать режим отображения контента как в виде списка песен, списка альбомов, сетке или режиме Cover Flow, который наглядно отображает, к примеру, обложки альбомов из вашей музыкальной коллекции в iTunes c применением трехмерного графического интерфейса, что выглядит весьма приятно и радует глаз. К слову сказать, этот же режим Cover Flow, Apple реализовала и в своем , только там он используется соответственно для отображения довольно приятных на вид превью посещенных ранее сайтов и так далее.

Для тех, кто любит, чтобы вся коллекция музыки и видео лежала по полочкам и плюс ко всему радовала глаз, iTunes подойдет как нельзя лучше. В iTunes также имеется возможность редактировать информацию о музыкальных композициях, которые имеются в медиабиблиотеке проигрывателя, такую как: название композиции, название альбома, год, также можно добавить обложку, если ее нет, и другие метаданные. Есть также возможность конвертировать id-3 теги, содержащие вышеперечисленные данные из одной версии в другую за пару кликов, что может быть необходимо для корректного отображения информации о файле на разных устройствах.

Также с помощью iTunes можно получить доступ к брендовому онлайн магазину iTunes Store для покупки аудио, видео, игр и другого цифрового контента. Стоит упомянуть и такие службы как Genius, которая умеет создавать интеллектуальные плейлисты, руководствуясь вашими предпочтениями и Ping, которая представляет собой музыкальную социальную сеть для пользователей данного проигрывателя. Имеется также возможность выбора и прослушивания интернет радиостанций из огромного списка каналов, отсортированных по музыкальным стилям и направлениям и другие возможности. Обязательно стоит отметить, что если какая-то из функций вам не нужна, то Вы легко сможете отключить любую из них в настройках программы, а при необходимости так же легко включить обратно.

Обратите внимание, что последние версии iTunes не поддерживаются операционной системой Windows XP. Для того чтобы скачать iTunes для Windows XP кликните по соответствующей ссылке - 32-бит или 64-бит (версия

Скачать iTunes для Windows бесплатно, без регистрации.

iTunes - бесплатный мультимедиа проигрыватель от Apple для Windows и Mac OS. iTunes поддерживает: iPod, iPad IPhone и Apple TV.

Версия: iTunes

Размер: 200/262 МБ

Операционная система: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Язык: Русская версия

Статус программы: Бесплатная

Разработчик: Apple Inc.

Что нового в версии: список изменений

You can now download iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows (32-bit/64-bit) and Mac with built-in App Store for downloading apps and games.

You Can Download iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows & Mac Today. Here Are the Direct Download Links.

You can download iTunes 12.6.3 for both Windows and Mac. And for Microsoft’s desktop operating system, it’s available in both 32 and 64-bit flavors. All you have to do is download the installer file and install it like any usual software on your computer. The direct download links for iTunes 12.6.3 are embedded below.

Download iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows PC & Mac.

If you rely heavily on iTunes to deploy apps, games or ringtones, then this quiet release from Apple is something you should look into. But the big downside of this release is that once you’ve installed it, you will not receive further updates to iTunes. Therefore you will miss out on new features which Apple will introduce down the line. Thankfully though, you have the choice of returning back to the usual iTunes update channel, if you’re willing to sacrifice the App Store completely. You can find more details about it in the source link at the foot of this post.

Apple is not known to roll back changes that it has made to its software and hardware. But today’s release is a mighty big compromise. While you do get the App Store back, but in a version of iTunes which is essentially out of date. Therefore don’t expect the app hub to return in a future version of Apple’s music management software.

Be vary of this fact for the time to come.
