Мастер по скилам манга

Год выхода: 2017

Жанр: приключения, комедия

Тип: ТВ

Количество серий: 12 (20 мин.)

Описание: Онлайн-игры в буквальном смысле захватили весь мир. В них играют очень многие, наверняка и вы тоже, если не постоянно, то хотя бы раз пробовали поиграть. Современный рынок может предложить игру на любой вкус - никто не останется равнодушным. Аниме про онлайн-игры тоже достаточно много, этот жанр стал одним из популярных, и вы без труда вспомните пару-тройку названий, где ключевой темой является игра. Поднебесная тоже решила представить нам вариант такого сериала. Посмотрим, что же из этого выйдет.

Главный герой Йе Сю играет в MMORPG под названием "Слава”. Но он не какой-нибудь там заурядный игрок, а настоящий монстр своего дела. Йе Сю - эксперт и находится на вершине этой игры, но однажды ему приходится покинуть команду профессионалов. После этого он решает зажить обычной жизнью и устраивается на работу в интернет-кафе. Но когда "Слава” запустила десятый сервер, он не удержался и начал играть снова. Конечно, его уже обогнали более шустрые игроки, и теперь Йе Сю придётся вновь бороться за место под солнцем.

Год выхода: 2017

Жанр: приключения, комедия

Тип: ТВ

Количество серий: 12 (20 мин.)

Описание: Онлайн-игры в буквальном смысле захватили весь мир. В них играют очень многие, наверняка и вы тоже, если не постоянно, то хотя бы раз пробовали поиграть. Современный рынок может предложить игру на любой вкус - никто не останется равнодушным. Аниме про онлайн-игры тоже достаточно много, этот жанр стал одним из популярных, и вы без труда вспомните пару-тройку названий, где ключевой темой является игра. Поднебесная тоже решила представить нам вариант такого сериала. Посмотрим, что же из этого выйдет.

Главный герой Йе Сю играет в MMORPG под названием "Слава”. Но он не какой-нибудь там заурядный игрок, а настоящий монстр своего дела. Йе Сю - эксперт и находится на вершине этой игры, но однажды ему приходится покинуть команду профессионалов. После этого он решает зажить обычной жизнью и устраивается на работу в интернет-кафе. Но когда "Слава” запустила десятый сервер, он не удержался и начал играть снова. Конечно, его уже обогнали более шустрые игроки, и теперь Йе Сю придётся вновь бороться за место под солнцем.

Rated it

Status: Completed

As a Chinese fan of TKA, it is exciting to see so many positive comments on TKA. Here I would like to explain to some of the questions or negative comments about TKA.
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I see that the latest translated release is almost 600 chapters. There is one thing absolutely right--this novel is really in slow pace, even in later chapters. However, it is not all about PVE and kill bosses/monsters. Approximately, after chapter 800, the story mainly transits from PVE to PVP. Then you can see all the pro player s in Glory!

Like some comments said, this novel not only has an interesting MC but also has many excellent side characters. Here comes to the greatest point of TKA! All pro players that you have seen so far will have much more scenes and depictions after the story goes into PVP stage (chapter 800). Actually, after this novel finished, each pro player in TKA owned numerous fans in China. (BTW Huang shaotian and Ye xiu are my bias) And this is the reason why TKA becomes so popular in China. I started to follow this novel in 2012, during the time this novel was still in PVE stage. It has not been very famous on Qidian (the website for this novel) until it finished about 1000 chapters. Some of side characters even have equal or higher popularity than MC in China. (depends on preference). Also, later in the PVP stage, you will see more professional battles and esport spirit in TKA.
Here are some spoiler, if you dont like it, ignore this paragraph. Ye xiu will establish his own team and come back the pro gaming stage. There are about 10-15 pro teams. Each of these teams has its own characteristic. Eg. there are several strategic makers (smart people, Ye xiu is one of them), they may have different strategy focuses in professional league. Also, there are some strong pro player on gaming techniques or operate. Interestingly, some team only has strategic makers while some of the other only has strong operating players. Based on the unique situation of the team, they will have different policies and performance in professional league. (also change of club is possible for Glory pro players just like in any other sports). It increases more possibilities for this esport novel. Furthermore, they are adults and have many considerations towards Glory and championship. In my personal opinion, this novel becomes a truly esports story after 1000 chapters.

TKA is all about esports Glory. Dont expect to know anyone"s background, or esports outside Glory, or any other reality issues. In fact, Ye xiu"s background is still a mystery to readers nowadays... Butterfly Blue does not like to depict anyone"s background or love story. So TKA is barely a novel for game, spirit, friendship, championship, and dreams.

Overall, if you think the previous chapters are too repetitive, sorry for that, it will continue until the end of this novel. But if you can kinda tolerate it, you wont regret it after finishing reading the entire novel.

A good news is that TKA will have anime released soon! First episode will be released on April 07, 2017 on Tencent video. There is a PV on youtube already. :)

Sorry for such a long comment. Enjoy TKA!
- <

rated it

Status: c645

I love this novel very much. I found this novel several months ago, binge read the 500-ish chapters, and now I am suffering withdrawal symptom LOL. I can"t endure the suffering so I am reading the MTL now, while following the translation. Many comments had explained its pros and cons, I would like address several of them, and also answer some negative comments. 1. The grinding is repetitive. Yes, I agree. However, there are many wonderful actions in that repetitive grinding! The battles among guilds, or you can wait until ... more>>

the pro players start entering the game

I laughed so hard until my house mate ask what happened to me, and I read that in mtl! I can"t imagine how funny it will be in proper translation. 2. The battle is too descriptive. I agree. There are many battles which are too descriptive for me and I decided to skim through them (for example, the All-star battle). However, the (boring) descriptive battle will start disappearing around chapter 1000 because we enter the Pro stage! The battles are still descriptive, but it will not be boring. Why? Because our beloved characters are the main participants. Every character will face their trial in the pro league, each of them will have their moment in battle. They will grow. Descriptive? Yes. Boring? NO. You can not skim these battles, or you will lose many HOLY CRAP moments! 3. Characters and their interaction is the gold of this novel. I believe everyone agree with me. This is the only novel I ever read where a mere chat in QQ group can be so funny!

There are many such events, but I refer to the chat when Ye Xiu kicked Huang Shaotian out of Glory Pro Group by using his authority as group manager, and the only one who dare talk back to him is Han Wenqing because he is also a group manager. LOL

4. Some comments said that the game system is unrealistic, the author had no idea about MMORPG, and they gave this novel low rating. I really don"t know what to say. I am a gamer, I played WoW, DotA, and Overwatch. I could easily see that the author know MUCH about online game, and he combined his knowledge with his imagination. I know that the game system is unrealistic in our CURRENT technology. However, it may be possible in 10-20 years. Imagine Glory as WoW in 20 years and the games will be realistic in your eyes. Do you guys have no imagination? Seriously, the technology of the game is clearly much more advanced than any current MMORPG. There are many details which can affect the game result. Should we list these details? Character"s inventory (weight), terrains, attacking different body part can give different effect (there are so many wonderful details, but they are mostly appear in Pro League arc and I really don"t want to spoil it). It is awesome! If our technology is advanced enough to create such a detailed game, I can die as a happy gamer.

The one that impress me the most is the Tyranny vs Happy match. I did not know that you can DESTROY the terrains! Han Wenqing action, and Luo Ji"s calculation, and the sand dune map are AWESOME! Oh, and don"t forget Huang Shaotian tragedy, LOL

5. The spirit of a professional athlete, spirit of competition, spirit of champion. I don"t want to spoil it, but they are the main themes in later arcs and they really touched your hearts. Who dare to say the eSport athletes are inferior to other athletes??? Ok, that is long enough for my review. Out and thanks! <

rated it

Status: --

I"ve started to read cause the anime, and it was just as so great. This was the very first webnovel I"ve ever read, and since then I"m searching for an another like this. The things I"ve liked:

    1. MC is realistic. In other stories MCs are almost Gods, but here he has a pathetic self too. (Around retirement, and he doesn"t have lover, money or good friends) And he has humanity too. As a hungarian reader, I"m always very frustrated, when the MC thinks he can kill cause he isn"t in his World, or the other hurt his feeligs and pride. He doesn"t strike too much upon revenge too. (With Sleeping Moon for example) In other chineese or japaneese or korean stories the MCs main objective is too often the revege. (there is a saying, that with too much revenge you will hurt only yourself)
    1. The dialogues are good too. I"ve always liked the realistic and funny dialogues between the characters, it brings them alive.

      I espesially love when Ye Xiu and Old Wei speaks with each other, that"s just too funny.

    1. The side characters. They are just as good as the MC, they feel alive too. They have sides, personalities, preferences. AND not everybody are good in the game. For example Chen guo or the mathematitcian kid (Sorry, I can"t remember your name) with Steamed buns.

      I loved that that Chen Guo didn"t start to kiss the MC"s ass at the moment when she get to know he is her God, morover she just speaks to him like before (of course after the shock"s effect disappeared)

    1. The face slapping and the moments of identity revealing. Altough it isn"t centered around this, but we get some good ones. It gaves a good humor source and the writer used the perfect amount so I didn"t get tired meantime
    1. This DIDN"T have harem (or harem like setting where the main protagonist don"t know that everybody loves him/her) I always feel a little disgust when I read a harem or a reverse harem novel and I don"t understand the ones who are in the harem. (Doesn"t you want to monopolize the one whom you love?) Altough this didn"t have any kind of romance, at least where I am now.
Things I didn"t liked:
    1. Too much game elements. Sometimes I felt like my head will explode if I continue the reading because the too much informations. Altough the cause may be that I"ve never played any kind of RPG or MMORPG
    1. It"s a little bit too long. (Seriously, more than 1700 chapters. I don"t even like the neverending shounens because they are just too long, and generally they stops around 300-400 chapters)
    1. The MC is just too good in this game, I feel there isn"t any aspects of the game he isn"t familiar with.

      For example when he went to the Tyranny as a tanker. He was too good to someone who played an another tipe of character for ten years.

      Oh, and he can play for hours in that kind of level. For hours.

    1. It"s a little bit repetitive when he goes to grind. Couldn"t the writer just skip that part?
    1. It"s just too good. I"ve neglected my social life when I read this. Once my family (parents and siblings) said they tought I"ve died in my room, cause I shut myself in for nearly ten hours. Oh, and DON"T read this wen you are trying to prepare to the University exam, cause you won"t be able to put it down (I did and I almost ruined my entire life because of it...)
Altough there are some bad points too but the good points are just too good, and I have the say there aren"t perfect stories. Oh, and it may be a nearly perfect novel /I gave five star/ but I decided to freeze the reading to wait for translation of the story, cause I hate that when I find a good story but there arent a full translation, and I don"t know if the translator drops theit or not. (Like now the Gravity tales did, and I don"t even know where I was the last time when I read it) I canonly recommend it. Just read it, it will pull you in to it"s World. So last but not least: Ez egy nagyon jo regeny, csak ajanlani tudom, es csak hajra forditok!!! Alig varom a pillanatot, amikor egyszerre olvashatom vegig az egeszet. Oh, es remelem, hogy akkor nem lesz semmi fontos dolgom, mert nem akarom eljatszani azt, amit az erettsegi alatt vegig csinaltam. lol Nem vette be a szemet az ekezeteket.... Ps.: I"m really so sorry for this long review. I almost died during I wrote it so I can"t even imagine what the reader feels. Oh, and the last paragraph is in hungarian.
